Assignment Topic
What to Turn In
Prepositional Phrases
Your child should be able to follow directions to do the following:
Travel over, under, in front of, behind, and through objects and over, under, in front of, and behind partners, using locomotor skills. Locomotor skills are the basic ways to move, the building blocks of coordination. Help your child practice these important skills:walking, galloping, jumping, hopping, side-sliding, leaping and skipping.
Review prepositional phrases using flashcards:
Preposition Flashcards or by playing game at:
Where are the Toys?
Where are the Toys? Fill in
Prepositions Writing Practice
Beginning Gymnastics
Roll smoothly in a forward direction, without stopping or hesitating, emphasizing a rounded form (complete a front somersault).
Answer the question for each of the pictured skills on the
1st Grade Gymnastics worksheet.
1st Grade Gymnastics Worksheet
Left & Right
Make sure your child is able to:
Identify the right and left sides of the body and identify movement from right to left and left to right.
Complete Identifying Left & Right worksheets
Identifying Left & Right
Identifying Left & Right #2
Flexibility & Stretching
Read and complete the questions on the
Flexibility & Stretching Activity Page
Try the following exercises:
Grade 1 Warm Up & Cool Down Exercises
Flexibility & Stretching Activity Page
Healthy Eating
Read the information found on:
Eat It! Poster
Complete worksheet: Making Healthful Choices
Making Healthful Choices
Read and Review: Healthy Eating Poster &
Choose My Plate Coloring Page
Complete one or more of the lessons found in:
My Plate Lesson Plans pg. 1-12
My Plate Lesson Plans pg. 13-25
One or more of the reproducibles found in the lesson plans.
1st Grade Health and Fitness, Chapter 4, Wonderful Food
(Please note that the Food Guide Pyramid is no longer recommended. See for the most up-to-date dietary recommendations.)
Health and Fitness, Activity Pgs. 16, 17, 18, 19 Wonderful Food
Staying Active
Your child should be able to:
Identify physical activities that cause the heart to beat faster.
Explain that increasing the heart rate during physical activity strengthens the heart muscle.
Discuss what physical activities you do in the SUMMER that get your heart rate up.
Write your answers on the Summer Activities worksheet.
Summer Activities worksheet
Staying Active
Your child should be able to:
Identify physical activities that cause the heart to beat faster.
Explain that increasing the heart rate during physical activity strengthens the heart muscle.
Discuss what physical activities you do in the WINTER that get your heart rate up.
Write your answers on the Winter Activities worksheet.
Complete What Winter Sports Can They Do?
Winter Activities worksheet
What Winter Sports Can They Do?
The Heart
Discuss the importance and size of the heart and how the heart is strengthened.
Describe the role of blood in transporting oxygen from the lungs.
Follow the lesson plan: How Does The Heart Work?
What Am I? Reading
Follow the Blood Worksheet
The Body Systems
Your child should be able to:
Identify the body components (e.g., bones, muscles, organs, fat, and other tissues).
Adapt the following lessons to your individual child:
Body Systems
Lesson 1: Learning the Parts of the Body
Lesson 2: Introduction to the Systems of the Body
Lesson 3: Why Do We Have Body Systems?
Parts of the Body Diagrams
Vocabulary Picture Book
(Found in Body Systems lesson plan packet)
The Body
Read: 1st Grade Health and Fitness, Chapter One
You Are Growing Worksheet, pgs. 1, 2
Hidden Word Worksheet, pg. 5
Playground Skills
Your child should be able to:
Travel hand-over-hand along a horizontal ladder, or hang from an overhead bar.
Demonstrate the characteristics of sharing and cooperation in physical activity.
Invite others to use equipment or apparatus before repeating a turn.
Discuss the importance of sharing on the playground.
What Should We Do?
Read and discuss the following information with your child:
Move It! Poster
Discuss setting personal goals with your child.
1st Grade Health and Fitness, Activity pg. 4, Steps for Setting Goals
Read selection: Exercise
What Do Kids Need To Grow Up Healthy
Staying Active
Read: 1st Grade Health and Fitness, Chapter Five
Keeping Active Worksheet, pgs. 21, 22
Picture Fitness Worksheet, pg. 25
Staying Active
Discuss the different activities your child does to stay active. Have child answer, "Yes, I can," or "No, I can't." for each activity on the Can You Ride a Bike? worksheet.
Can You Ride a Bike?
What Do You Want To Play?
Good Sportsmanship
Good Sportsmanship: Show that you are willing to share P.E. equipment and/or apparatus; be an effective partner or group member; and demonstrate acceptable responses to challenges, successes, and failures.
1st Grade Health and Fitness, Activity pg. 14,Steps for Resolving Conflicts
Complete all or some of the activities listed in the lesson plans.
National Dance Week Dance Projects-Grade 1
Social Studies - Cultural Exploration questions and answers